“I enjoyed everything! Every week was so enjoyable, everyone was always happy and gave off amazing vibes.”
- Tiana
“I enjoyed meeting everybody and participating in all these cool shoots!”
- Bonnie K
“I feel way more comfortable with myself.”
- India
“The course made me a lot happier and helped me to push away negativity.”
- Charley-faye
“HUGE CHANGES to my confidence - helped me accept flaws I've never talked about much.”
- Kat
“I enjoyed making new friends and gaining confidence. I also loved how much this course helped me get more photoshoots.”
- Chloe W.
“Before the course, I was self conscious and didn't think my body was good enough, but when I left I was feeling confident and great about myself.”
- Asha
“300% recommend! I talk about it all the time.”
- Hollie
“My confidence has drastically improved! I was so nervous when I started, but now I'm doing a lot of photoshoots and I feel so much better about myself.”
- Natasha
“The course made me appreciate my individuality and find beauty in that.”
- Dakota
“I would recommend this course to people who want to gain confidence or become a better model.”
- Chloe W.
“I pushed myself more than I had before, which opened my eyes to a whole new world.”
- Neelam
“The course made me feel better about myself, and the hype from everyone excites you and makes you more confident.”
- Ashley
“It change my confidence in the way that I am now brave enough to get out there more with my social life and modelling.”
- Tiana P
“I really think this course caters to everyone's personal style and confidence level.”
- Olivia
“It helped me to be proud of who I am.”
- Charley-faye
“The course has massively improved my confidence! I could never have imagined myself doing modelling until now.”
- Emma H
“I'm no longer over-cautious or hating my body. Really being myself, and it's great!”
- Hollie
“I enjoyed making a portfolio and getting really valuable advice each session.”
- Georgia
“All the girls were so lovely and it was so fun and positive.”
- Asha
“I enjoyed everything! This course has been so beneficial for me. I also enjoyed the extremely lovely team (makeup artists and Jeremy obviously).”
- Tegan
“It helped me look at myself in a better way, instead of just putting myself down.”
- Chloe W.
“I would recommend this course to anyone that is lacking in confidence and wants to learn that they can feel comfortable in their own skin.”
- Bonnie K
“I loved trying new and diverse makeup styles every night.”
- India
“I now have a differnet attitude towards my body and my entire image, I feel a boost in confidence.”
- Kelly
“I used to find it hard speaking in front of others, having attention on my or being confident within myself. This course helped me step outside my comfort zone and try new things, while being in a supportive environment.”
- Jade
“The course made me feel way more confident with my own body.”
- Sofia
“The course changed my confidence so much, as the quality of the photos made me look amazing. I am now more confident in front of the camera.”
- Ashley
“I loved the fact that I got to build my portfolio in only five sessions.”
- Krystal
“I enjoyed meeting new people and getting a clearer outlook on modelling which really contrasts with previous perceptions that I held.”
- Kelly
“The course made me look at myself from a different perspective - I actually like the photos of myself and enjoy getting photos taken.”
- Krystal
- Kat
“The course made me not feel as nervous and feel better about myself and how I look.”
- Hollie W
“I feel confident in my face, body and me as a person. Such an enjoyable experience.”
- Chenuli
“It changed my confidence a lot in myself. I now feel on top of the world when in front of a camera, for now I know how to pose and look good.”
- Tiana
“The course made me feel more confident about the photos I took and has helped me learn most of my good angles.”
- Chloe S.
“It made me realise that I am good at something and I can achieve a dream that I've always wanted to achieve.”
- Krystal
“I love myself more now.”
- Tamara
“The course made me an overall more confident person.”
- Hollie W
“I enjoyed all of the shoots, meeting new people and gaining my confidence.”
- Tiana P
“I enjoyed the whole experience! Honestly made me so confident in myself. Everyone was amazing!”
- Kat
“I definitely feel more confident and comfortable with myself. I also feel like I've found something I enjoy and can be myself and be accepted.”
- Tiana
“The course showed me that everyone has different things about them that are amazing, and you a perfect in your own way.”
- Bonnie K
“It made me feel myself more and love myself more.”
- Abbey
“I enjoyed coming to a group that was nice and supportive each week.”
- Jade
“It made me feel proud of myself.”
- Amy B
“I would definitely recommend this course to anyone wanting to build their confidence.”
- Sara K.
“I enjoyed getting to work with amazing industry professionals who are willing to give real life tips and tricks.”
- Neelam
“I've always been very critical about myself, but the whole environment & Jeremy helped tremendously with that. I'm very body-conscious and critical but feel much more confident in that regard, especially, which is very surprising!”
- Neisha
“It made me more confident learning that not all models look the same, but still feel confident in their unique beauty.”
- Taylah
“It made me feel like I was worth something. I always struggled with feeling worthless and the course helped so much with that.”
- Emma H
“The photos made me feel professional, and for a very insecure girl about my looks, I looked at myself differently and positively.”
- Gabby
“It made me feel prettier.”
- Amy B
“It's made me realise everyone is beautiful in their own unique way, and I deffs think it's made me love myself for me.”
- Chelsea B
“It allowed me to gain a new perspective of myself and gain a lot more confidence in myself.”
- Isabella
“I enjoyed meeting other models and learning to feel more comfortable with myself.”
- Sofia
“A very non-judgemental environment!”
- Neisha
“I think it was such a great way to improve myself not just as a model but also as a person.”
- Asha
“I feel as though it has allowed me to gain a lot more confidence in myself and my ability to be a model.”
- Isabella
“I loved how positive the atmosphere was and how nice everyone was.”
- Chloe S.